Munich...., the home stretch! Day 14 continued, June 8, 2016

After our day in Burghausen, we continued on towards Munich. We made one additional stop in Altötting. This town is Bavaria's spiritual center and Germany's principle pilgrimage site. Every year, over one million pilgrims and visitors come to see the "Black Madonna" statue in the octagonal Chapel of Grace in the town square. The chapel also houses a silver urn that hosts the hearts of Bavarian kings and prince-electors. Although to be honest, I think we missed both of those things. I don't believe we actually got to go into that Chapel. It's quite a spiritual town. Our luck had still held out with the weather, but we didn't want to take our chances much longer. We decided to get some ice cream, and take a quick break here, and then move on before the rain really came down! Nearly everything being sold in every shop was a religious statue of some sort. They were waiting for the millions of pilgrims to come to s...