Aruba part 2! 11/27/2017
After our stop at the Natural Bridge, we continued on to one of the next most popular natural attractions in Aruba, the Casibari Rock Formations. Geologists are uncertain about the actual origins of these rock formations, but they believe that the collision of tectonic plates created them, forcing these massive slabs to the surface. There are two sections to the Casibari, the second being the Ayo. However there are no trails or steps to the top of the boulders at the Ayo, so visiting there is a bit more challenging. It's said that the Casibari is Aruba's Stonehenge, with their destincive shapes, created by the eternal trade winds. There were a few friendly lizards sunning on the boulders! Our British friends had only signed up for the morning tour, so they departed, leaving us to drive the rest of the day! It was hard to believe that our tour was only half over. We had already seen...