Reflections on Belize...

The end of a vacation is always bittersweet. The end of this vacation to Belize was particularly hard for me. I’d really enjoyed Belize. Even more than I’d thought I would. I enjoy travelling, I love vacations, but this one was perfect! From beginning to end.  I knew in the planning stage that Belize had everything we were looking for in a great vacation – it had the ruins, it had the beach, it had the snorkeling. We could relax or we could go on great excursions. We did it all, and yet we were totally relaxed. It was perfect to start our vacation in San Ignacaio and end in Ambergris Caye.   But for the actual vacation to meet our expectations - now how often does that happen?  This one did!

Not only did we get to do some spectacular things, like going to Tikal and the ATM cave. We got to see amazing reefs while snorkeling and I got to scuba for the first time. We met wonderful people and stayed at chaming lodges. We ate great food and had perfect weather. There was more...

For me, waking up every morning and walking out from our cottage right on the beach and feeling the warm sand in my toes was like therapy. All the stress from my real world life just vanished while we were away. And isn’t that really what travelling is all about. Being transported to a place that is just magical and feeling the beauty of that place. Experiencing wherever you choose to go one hundred percent and not wanting to let it go.

We could leave Belize with wonderful memories, fantastic experiences to tell our children about and hopefully return with them in the future. I leave you with some parting shots….


  1. A great blog here. The info and photo's are excellent. All the best.

  2. Thank you Charles! I'm glad you're enjoying the information and photos! I hope you continue to check back often.


  3. Great stuff Shelley...Would love to go there someday. Do you think my kids would enjoy it? They are 13...Or is it more adult oriented? Pictures have been incredible! Thanks for sharing...

  4. Greg,

    I think it's a great place for kids. This time we chose to leave ours home, but they're a bit younger than yours. I think some of our excursions were long days and maybe a bit more than our 8 year old would have enjoyed, which would have made the trip less enjoyable for us. But I think 13 year olds would love it!

    We took our kids to Costa Rica last year and they loved it...still talk about it all the time...I'll be sharing that adventure here soon!



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