Sunsets, Thanksgiving, and the end of November!
A quick break in the Costa Rica trip to take a few minutes to come back to real time! Back to November 2013 and catch up for a minute. Time is just flying by. How can it already be the end of November? As we take time to be Thankful for all that we have today and pause to spend the day with our families and friends and all that is great - hopefully time stood still for just a bit! Sometimes it feels as though it goes all too fast! Part of what photography does for me is it allows me to capture those moments that just seem to speed by - those Moments in Time! Last week we seemed to have some of the most beautiful sunsets. I was lucky enough to be able to capture a few! So, while time stood still for just a few moments, and I was lucky enough to capture's suddenly spinning again! Tomorrow I'll likely be out shopping and we'll move from Thanksgiving to the whirlwind of the Christmas season! After all - Sunday is...