Fall at it's Finest!

I'm definitely a summer time type of person.  Every year I look forward to the warm sunny days and start to dread the short dark days of winter as the kids go back to school and fall arrives.  However, one thing is for sure, fall is stunning!  As a photographer, I can't help but want to get outside and start shooting away with my camera!  

Yesterday was one of those days!  Keith, the kids and I went to Hibernia Park and while they got some much needed outdoor time, away from all of the electronics, I got to capture some great Moments in Time!  

We hiked along the trail to the Damn, the views there were beautiful.  Every once in awhile we'd pass another family, or someone walking a dog.  But for the most part, it was just us, alone.  It was so serene!

Then we walked back along the trail to the what's called the Old Damn.  

There are some remains of some old buildings along here, and most fun for Alex, a stream with lots of down trees to climb over!  

It seemed that most of the trees by the stream had already lost their leaves though.  I'm not sure why.  The colors there weren't nearly as vibrant.  

But it was still just as beautiful, with the sun setting behind the trees.

We made our way back up to the parking lot....and called the day a total success!  Ok, I suppose this Summer Girl is ready to give fall a chance.


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