Jamaica!!! Day 4, 2/11/15

Today is already Day 4! How could we already be on day 4 of our vacation! It's flying by far too quickly!!! 

It's Jamaica day....I have to say, this port was one of my biggest struggles when coming up with a plan! I've been to Jamaica a few times, the kids have never been there. I'm not a fan of Dunn's River Falls and I knew another beach day wasn't something we wanted to do. Nothing was catching my eye! But finally we decided on the Blue Hole and we booked it with Liberty Tours. 

I'm pretty sure we had breakfast in the Main Dining Room since we didn't dock until a bit later in the day, and the gangway didn't open until about 10:45 am. The Main Dining Room ended up being our favorite spot for breakfast. The combination of the buffet there, which was definitely the freshest and least crowded, as well as the made to order menu items, not to mention the service, just made this our ideal breakfast spot! Time permitting of course!

After breakfast we wandered off the ship, taking time of course for our photo ops, on the way to meet for our tour!

And then we have the pirate pictures!

This pirate guy snuck up behind Megan and boy did she scream!  It was pretty funny!  She never saw him coming!

And off we went to find our group....

It was pretty easy to find the private tours, and we arrived and found Liberty Tours with no problem. It turned out we had another 6 people I think it was, in our group. We had to wait for a few minutes for everyone to arrive. I want to mention also that before we left for the cruise, that Ricardo, from Liberty Tours called me in the US twice to discuss our tour. First he called when I inquired about the tour to discuss what we wanted to do during the day and describe the tour and our options. Once we had settled the "plan", I received an email outlining everything. Then about 24 hours before we left for Florida, he called again just to confirm that we were still interested. We had only had to pay a small deposit prior to arrival. He asked about if we wanted to do a private tour or if we were ok with a small group. He confirmed what we wanted to do and just was very professional. I was very pleased with everything about his service!

Ok - back to the day! A nice view of the ship while we were waiting..

Our driver for the day was Rose Marie (I think???) It's been awhile now, so I may be wrong about her name, but I am almost positive that was her. She was a wonderfully friendly and knowledgeable woman who made the ride from Falmouth to the Blue Hole, which is in Ocho Rios, feel much shorter than it was. She told us about Jamaica, taught us some of the local language and just chatted with our group during the ride. 

When we arrived, to be honest, none of us really knew just what to expect! Rose Marie handed us over to our Blue Hole guides - Ricardo and Dante, again - I think! These to guys knew this river and the falls like the back of their hands! I can't believe it, but I handed Dante my camera, yes, my Nikon, and took out my water camera, and I said to him "you won't get this we will you?" and he looked at me and smiled and said "no problem man". Oh good grief! He was all of what, 16 years old? Ok.....off we went! The 10 of us, 2 of the women in the group weren't going to get wet. They just came to watch their husbands have fun. And the rest of us, well, it was yet to be seen just what we were in for! 

First we stopped at a nice overlook where we could see some of the falls...

I'm mainly including this picture so you can see behind us, on the falls, the people waiting to walk down the falls to jump off! We'd get the opportunity....if we wanted to, to do this a bit later!

From this point on, most of the pictures were taken either by one of our guides or Megan or I with the water camera....this was on our way down to the actual river bed....

Just what were we getting into?  When I was reading about the Blue Hole, I thought it would be the one big fall, some jumping off cliffs, swimming around...hmmm....this seems much more involved!  Where were we going anyway?  


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