Staying in touch with home

My kids were really going to miss us on this trip.  Especially M, our daughter.  She just couldn't get past the fact that we weren't taking them this time!  After all they went with us last summer to Costa Rica and had a blast, we all did.  We'd had a busy summer and she just came back from a week of overnight Girl Scout camp and now we were leaving her.  She was really disappointed.  A knew he'd miss us and wanted a way to stay in touch.  Calling to and from Belize on a cell phone is really expensive, if you can get coverage.  Expensive as in approx $3/minute expensive. 

So, what to do?  First I tried the route of an international sim card for my phone, which has international calling.  This would work great.  It would allow me calling at about 39 cents a minute instead!  I did everything possible, however due to an issue with PayPal and then with FedEx, it just didn't arrive in time! we relied on email instead.  Our kids were thrilled.  We set up an email account just for them and used a combination of the public computers at out two hotels and our Blackberry to send and receive emails every day with the kids.  It was so important to keep in touch with them!  We could even send pictures to them this way!

In our emails we told the kids what we did each day and had them look up the sites we went to online so they could have an idea of how we were spending our days.  They really enjoyed that!  And they'd share how they spent their days too.

About half way through the trip we did call them a couple of times to check in.  It really makes a big difference for them to hear our voices, and same with us, hearing theirs. 

While we were gone, our sim card trip we'll use it!  There will be a next trip for sure!


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