Walking in our Ancestor's Footsteps!

So, we left the courthouse in Fallo, with an escort from the Sheriff so that he could show us the house, the house that was owned by my ancestors! – the American family escorted down the street…what a sight we were!  We followed behind our new friend, the Sherriff of Fallo, and our guide for the day, Vincenzo.

The Italians started looking out their windows – who were these people in our town? He’d call up to them – in Italian – you could make out some words – “America” “DiVito” “familia” And then an “ahhhhh”! He’d ask them if they knew Patrizio – well of course not – he left in 1910! They did know the DiVito who recently passed away though! They’d wave to us and smile! 

So we walked up to the house – it was charming! Lovely! It’s currently vacant if anyone is looking!

We walked through town...

We saw the town church – it’s beautiful inside!

Then the sheriff left us to just wander around the town a bit. It didn’t take long! Like so many little medieval towns seem to be, it’s basically a one street circle or loop.

We walked through, all the while taking more and more pictures

and when we got back to where we entered the town, Vincenzo told us we could wait at the “bench” and he would go get the van for us.

On our way out of town we stopped at the Fallo Hotel for lunch.

Our spot for lunch

We of course had Vincenzo join us for lunch. He was so much more than a driver that day! And again, thankfully he joined us for lunch! Not that we couldn’t have figured it out – but this particular restaurant was 100% all Italian! The menu – all Italian! The staff, well not a bit of English spoken here! And in his charming way, he asked us what we might like for lunch, even if it wasn’t necessarily on the menu, and what do you know – that’s what we got. I believe my dad got something from the menu, but Alex and I had gnocchi with traditional sauce and my mom and Megan had spaghetti carbonara. Neither of those items were on the menu and both were phenomenal! We had some starters, the five of us had entrees, I’m pretty sure there was wine involved and this meal was half the price of our over priced Panini lunch by the Vatican yesterday! Location is everything!

The views on the way out of town were beautiful!

This is the town across the valley on the next hill!

We decided that our drive back should be through the mountains instead of taking the highway. We were feeling adventurous now! We went through several little hill towns and it was just beautiful! Of course our stomachs were full and before long we were all sleeping! 

All in all our day to Fallo was a huge success! It was something we’ll remember forever! On our next trip we’ll have to do the same for my mother’s father’s father! 

Next up - our last night in Rome!


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