Helmet Diving in Bermuda!

Life got a bit busy there for a few day!  But now, back to the Bermuda trip...we left off with our morning at Horseshoe Bay Beach and had plans for the afternoon...We had just gone back to the Norwegian Breakaway to have some lunch and were ready for our afternoon!

After lunch we went back out and did our sort of spur of the moment excursion. Something came across me yesterday and I was just swept away with all of the water and I decided that we just had to get UNDER the water! It may have had to do with watching the list of excursion options on the tv in the cabin! But we booked a Helmet Dive and it was time to go! This was slightly different from Snuba, and I had remembered reading some reviews on this particular tour operator before we went. So, here we go!

We met our group right at the dock by the ship. There were 13 people booked, small group. Our captain took care of the paperwork and off we went. He was quite the eccentric type. On our way out to our "dive" site he went over the helmet procedure and also talked quite in depth about the reef system and fish we may get to see. You could tell just how passionate he is about the ocean and its inhabitants! 

When we anchored we were divided into two groups. We were in the first group. We had to put on wet suits, which was interesting. We got our instructions and down we went! We were only in about 10-12 feet of water and it was a very controlled environment. 

The first 20 minutes or so were spent with Greg, the captain, feeding a the fish and taking our pictures in groups. We always had our hands on a bar so that we would be right in the same spot - no wandering off! He's been going to the same spot for years so the fish know him and come right up to him and his passengers. They will nuzzle you and let you "pet" them. Kinda cool actually!

Here we got to pet Charles - the big fish!

After the pictures, Megan decided she had enough and went up to the boat. The rest of our group got to have a guided tour of the reef. Greg had 2 sticks with him with words written on them that had descriptions of what we'd see. We walked along the bottom and he'd point to various corals or fish and then show us on the sticks what we saw. He fed the anemones, which was pretty cool. He fed some coral even! We were down there for at least another 25 minutes or so!  It really was fascinating!

Then we went up and the other group went down. During this time we got to enjoy our time out in the open ocean! It was just beautiful!

I think one thing that stands out most to me about Bermuda is the color of the water....

All in all, we had a great time on this outing! Afterwards, it was back to the ship to get ready for dinner. Tonight we went to Cagney's Steakhouse. Dinner was good. Our server was fantastic!

After dinner, the kids played big chess for a bit! Sorry for the bad picture - but I did want to show that there was big chess on the ship!

Afterwards, I'm pretty sure Alex left us as usual to go to the teen activities and Megan and I probably went to see what was going on in the Atrium or Headliners.

Another perfect day in Bermuda! Tomorrow....we stay pretty close to the dock - but still enjoy all there is to see!


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