Sandals & Beaches.....whew!

Ok...time to take a breath!  So, by now you all know what I love to do - travel.  And you know that as much as I love to travel, I also love to make sure that everyone else who loves to travel can also take the most amazing vacations too!  That's pretty much why I started this business, Getaways Done Your Way!  To help to customize unique vacations to make each vacation you want to take a trip of a lifetime!  I truly believe EVERY vacation should feel just like that....that it is AMAZING!  Well, the great thing about this is that the places that I want to take you to have these fantastic resorts, cruise lines, and tour operators who truly believe that in order to best explain a place to a client you have to see it first hand. Sure, you can read about a country, look at a resort on line, and talk to people who have been there...but until you experience at least some of the quality and the properties that are offered, it's not quite the same is it?

And this is just what the travel business calls FAMs...familiarization trips.  I am 100% honest in telling you that it is a working trip, but I am also telling you that it is a working trip that I love in every possible way!  Not everyone does.  After spending 3 days with nearly 200 travel agents, getting probably about 12 hours of sleep total during that three days, with the exception of short naps on the plane rides; walking and walking, extreme seemed that some of the agents had enough.  They felt that reading and looking online was quite enough for them.  But for me - I want to talk to the employees, I want to see the room categories, and I want to see if those pictures in the brochures and online are true to what the REAL resort actually looks like! you go!

These next couple of blog posts will be a bit different from my typical trip reviews...I'll go into a general overview of where we went and the differences of each of the properties this time instead of a detailed trip report.  

Our first stop was Sandals Royal Bahamian - the great thing about this resort is that it is just minutes from the airport!  

When you enter the property, the common areas are quite elegant!

First we went to the newest section, the Balmoral Building.  The rooms here were nice, and had a gorgeous view!

And how about this view while you work out on the treadmill?

The pool on this side of the resort is the "quiet" pool and it was very nice.  

Every day they have fresh baked breads, that are made in this little bread hut!

We had some samples, I had coconut bread!  Like bread with a little Easter egg inside!  YUM!

The water sports are all included here at Sandals - everything, including scuba!  Now, if you dive, you know what a great savings that is!  You can even get certified here on different levels (resort certified through the full course - of course the certification is for a fee) 

Next up, the other half of the resort, and the best feature......but right now - time to catch up on some much needed sleep!


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