Finishing up this MegaFAM at Sandals La Source!

This is another set up that can be used for weddings on the beach.  The color of the canopy can be chosen by the wedding party and will coordinate with the table setting and flowers.

The beach here isn't huge, but it's very nice and the sand is very clean.  The views of the island are beautiful. 

We also had a chance to visit the Concierge Club which is where the Club Level guests check in and have a nice lounge area.

We finished up the tour of the room categories and again were able to experience some of the various restaurants for lunch.  I got to go to Butch's Chophouse and had a most delicious steak lunch!  We were thinking it would be much too much for lunch, but when they put that salad in front of our table, and then that steak and potatoes, and then the huge onion ring!!!  Well, lets just say that every one of us at our table cleaned our plates! Sometimes steak in the Caribbean is just, well let's say different - this was fantastic!

After lunch, we had a short time, a very short stop at the gift shop or jump in one of the amazing pools, or go to the beach.  So - we took advantage!  

Perhaps one of the coolest parts of this pool is the firepit lounge area!  How nice would it be at night to sit out here with the fire going, glass of wine in hand, and just hang out? That is living the life isn't it?

But sadly our visit was coming to an end.  We had our closing remarks, and the director of Tourism for Grenada came and gave a great talk to us.  Before we knew it we were heading back to the airport!

We had a wonderful send off by the Tourism Board in Grenada as at the airport, as well as by the staff at Sandals.  At the airport they had music, dancing, and all sorts of crafts on display!  It's certainly clear that they want nothing more than for tourism to be part of their country!

That wraps up this short, but incredibly journey to 3 countries, 3 islands and 3 very different resorts in barely 3 days!  I learned so much about these resorts and hopefully can work to bring some of you to visit them!

Next up????  Tomorrow I head to Vail for my Host Agency Conference where I hope to learn even more and meet so many of the representatives from the places and companies that I work with!  Can't wait to share that trip with everyone!


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