Catching up! And what's up next....

It's been almost a month since my last post!  Again, a bad blogger.....sometimes life just gets busy it seems!  There's been a lot happening, and that's always a good thing!  I attended my host agency conference in Vail, CO in October and that was a wonderful experience.  I had the opportunity to meet with many of the representatives from the resorts, tour operators and cruise lines that I work with.  It's great to put faces to the names!  And there were great educational sessions as well!  We even had a short time to get out and check out the Vail Village. 

By the time we left the next morning, there was even snow on the ground!  

Since I've been back, it's been a process of putting all of the great knowledge from the conference into practice.  That's always a bit overwhelming, but it's a great time to run with that motivation!  One thing that I've been wanting to do, and hopefully I will be able to start in the next month, is a monthly newsletter.  So if you would like to subscribe, please click the Subscribe to Newsletter link in the sidebar and you'll be all set!  Just a once a month email with some destination highlights, maybe a recipe and some general travel talk!  

So, what's coming up next?  I'm super excited to be leaving bright and early Sunday morning for the Riviera Maya for a destination training trip.  The Riviera Maya is one of my favorite locations and it's also one of the places that my clients tend to travel to most frequently!  I will have the opportunity to visit TWELVE resorts in just a few days so that I can get first hand details on the properties.  Not only will I get to tour the general areas of the resorts, but see the various room categories.  

It' going to be a whirlwind trip for sure!  But one that I know I will get so much from!

And then, when I get home, I will turn around, and leave the next day for our upcoming family vacation - the much anticipated Celebrity Cruise with the Top Chef contestants on board!

During this cruise we will be participating in a cooking class with Top Chef Winner of Season 5, Hosea Rosenberg, and we will be participating in a special dinner event with Top Chef contestant Casey Thompson!  There will also be other Top Chef events held during the cruise as well.  

All in all, it looks to be a fantastic November!  Filled with what I love, traveling!  And of course I will be sharing my adventures here!  So, keep an eye out for all that is to come and thank you for being patient during these long breaks between posts!


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