Pool time, Ice Shows, Formal Night, and Broadway! Our first sea day continues! 2/9/15

So, we made our way out to the pools...we walked by the Beach Pool...which by the way, we loved! Just the whole set up there. The chairs, the umbrellas, the design...but no Keith. Ok....we went to the Sports Pool. Nope, didn't see him there either.

Was he by the family pool? Is that even what it's called? Nope. Up to the next deck....was he just sleeping in the sun? Didn't see him. We walked and walked and looked and looked. Maybe he went to the Solarium? I did a quick walk through, but didn't see him. Fine - he's on his own, we're going to the pool! 

We got towels, I got a chair and the kids went in the pool. To be honest, it wasn't the warmest or sunniest of days. There were plenty of open chairs to be found and before long I got a great spot right in front of the pool. For the most part, Alex and Megan were the only two in the pool.

There was some Caribbean music by the pool...very nice!

At some point the kids must have left to go get changed. We had plans to go see Ice Games at 5:00. I went to the Solarium for a bit, just to see if Keith was there, and hang out for a bit.

He wasn't there.....I assumed he enjoyed his day of peace and quiet, sleeping in the sort of sun!

So, just where was Keith for the entire day? Well, after I spent some time in the Solarium, I went back to the cabin and he was sitting out on the balcony reading. So, I asked him if he'd been there all day? He said, no, but he was up on the sports deck by the basketball courts. Why in the world was he up there? He said it was the only place he could find two chairs together and then he just fell asleep for the afternoon. Well, good for him! So, he had his day in the sun, and we had our day by the pool! 

The kids and I went to Ice Games which was at 5:00. We'd seen the ice show in the Navigator, so we were familiar with the style of the show and we knew just how talented the skaters were on these ships!

They try to make the theme a game type event based on the themes of the ship. I think it's a stretch to bring in the game aspect, but they do a nice job highlighting some of the venues of the ship. I've heard some people complain that it's just a big advertisement for the Allure, but I really liked the show and it does have to showcase something, so why not the ship?

After the show it was time to head back to get ready for dinner. Tonight was the first formal night, and our first night in the Main Dining Room! We had 8:00 reservations, so our timing was pretty good tonight!

Since it was formal night in the Main Dining Room....this meant Megan and I were happy about getting dressed up and Keith and Alex, well not so much! Keith is of the side that he's on vacation and shouldn't have to wear a jacket and tie, he should be comfortable. Alex, well - he's 15 and doesn't really care to impress his family with his attire! But Megan, well, you remember the nail crisis right? Extend that to dressing up! And me, well, I like to go out with my whole family for a night when we're all dressed! 

So, for me, I do like formal night. And remember, I was planning on trying to get the picture package too, so that meant I was going to get everyone to pose for at least one or two posed picture! Oh, they loved me tonight! We didn't have time for pictures on the way to dinner, but of course you get the lovely pictures at the table when you usually have food in your mouth! And the table is a mess! 

The meal itself? I can't really remember! There were no complaints. I do recall that our server was attentive and the pace that night was fine. We all enjoyed what we got to eat and while nothing was outstanding, nothing was bad. I'd say we were all happy with our meals!

Oh, looks like Alex got the souffle for dessert! I do remember that and that he liked it! 

Just a couple of the formal night photos

And the all squish together picture!

After dinner Keith and Alex split up from Megan and I, and Megan and I went to see Chicago. Yes by now it was late! I'm pretty sure that Keith and Alex went to the Ocean Aria show. Alex told Keith how good it was, and wanted him to see it. Megan and I had 10:30 reservations for Chicago.

Megan is a huge theater kid...she's a performer and dancer, so for her theater is 2nd nature. She knows all of the songs from Chicago, but was it her first choice, probably not. Did she love it? Absolutely! Since the topic always comes up about the appropriateness of Chicago on a "family ship", did I think it was appropriate for her? Sure, not a problem. It was no more than PG-13, and she has certainly seen that subject matter on tv and in the movies.  You can make your own decision about your family.... :)

As far as the performance itself, it was very good. The actors were great and if you are familiar with the story line, I think you would like it. We did!

So, it was a packed first sea day on the Allure! We loved it! Tomorrow would be our day in Labadee! 


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