Our first full day onboard! A visit to Giverny, Claude Monet's house and gardens! 6/21/15

Today was our first day of touring. We were anxious to see just how this river cruise experience was going to work! Carol and I have been on cruises before, ocean cruises that is. We've been on land trips and done tours, but this was our first time on board a river cruise. The majority of our daily excursions were included in our package. Before we sailed we selected what we wanted to do each day. Most days there was a choice of included excursions in the morning and then another choice in the afternoon. There were a few optional additional cost excursions as well, and we did participate in those. This morning, we chose to go to Claude Monet's house and gardens.

We met in the lobby and there were several people who also chose this tour.  We broke into even smaller groups, picked up our headsets and went outside and boarded our coach buses.  There were three buses going on our tour, each bus had its own guide.  

During the ride, our guide told us about what we were seeing, and what we would be seeing.  And when we arrived, the Avalon groups were some of the first to be at the gardens.  I loved getting there before the crowds!

Our guide showed us where we were on the map and explained where the gardens were.  And then told us where we'd meet after some free time after we went to the house and gardens and famous "Water Lily Pond" together.

Once we had our bearings, we started our walk down the street.  It was quite charming!

This is a map of the gardens and house

Once we crossed under the road to get to the flowers, it was like being in a fairy tale!  So many colors!

We were so lucky to be there at this time of year, when everything was in full bloom.

A beautiful view of the Chinese Bridge and the Lily Pond

I suppose you get the idea, but it was really just beautiful! An this was the inspiration for Monet's paintings. He created the gardens and pond so he could recreate the scenes in his art.

A little glimpse of his house peeking through

After we walked around the Water Lily Pond, we came to the gardens in the front of the house.  

And then it was time to go inside the house.  Here Monet lived with his wife and kids.

Looking out at the gardens from the front steps

Some pictures displayed in one of the rooms

A nice big kitchen!  This is just the eating area.

Some serious pots and pans!

And after our tour, we had some time to walk around Giverny a bit.

We then met up with our group, and went back to our ship for lunch.  Our day really had just begun!  There was still so much more to happen today!  We'd even be sailing to another town for the afternoon!  But next up....crepes and a pastry demo on board!  

I'd say so far, this whole river cruise experience was pretty exceptional!


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