Same Day, New Safari Camp! Day 6 con't 11/2/18

After our most exciting game drive yet, we arrived back to Lion Sands, had breakfast and said our goodbyes. Even though we had only been there for such a short time, we all felt quite a connection to our driver and tracker. They had taken us out into the bush on such adventures!

It was time now to move on to our next, and final destination, the Kapama Karula Camp, "the place of peace"! We had a flight from one location to the next, however driving is an option as well. For a short flight like this, it's a small plane! 

One thing to keep in mind, when traveling on these small, charter flights is the luggage restrictions. There were 11 of us, gone for 9 or 10 days if you counted travel from our home state to JFK for the international flight and this is ALL of our luggage, for all 11 of us! We each were allowed one carry on bag as well.

And we made it, we're all on board and ready to go! 

The flight was very smooth and the views were just beautiful from the air!

We were greeted in the lobby of Kapama Karula and we went over the general itinerary for our two days here and then we were shown to our rooms. Kapama Karula has a modern decor and is set on the banks of the Klaserie River, offering true 5* accommodations in the middle of the African bush.  

This is the standard suite, where we would spend the next two nights. 

Each suite has its own infinity edge pool on the deck, overlooking the river.

We had lunch together in the guest dining room, which was excellent

And then shortly after, it was time for our first game drive. 

Right away we did notice some differences between this reserve and Sabi Sands, most notably was the amount of roads. Here they had many more roads through the reserve, and less of the more dense "lower" bush, which means that the vehicles were able to drive in more areas, therefore more animals were outwardly visible. There was less of a need to go off road to search for one. Also, it was much greener here! Only about 65 miles away, but the trees were much greener here.   Right away, we started seeing all kinds of animals, and we came across these giraffe.

Then, right past the giraffe, we had these white rhino walking right up to us! 

Just look how close they are!  Such amazing animals!

 It was really beautiful out here, so wide and open. 

And then we came upon our first zebra sightings! 

Next we saw some wildebeest

And some elephants!  Very up close and personal!

It was time for our first sundowner, this was just a roadside stop here.  And out pops a table and full set up for us to stretch our legs and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

When we got back into our vehicles, our driver and tracker got word that a leopard had been spotted with a fresh kill. We were off to try to find it. It was now dark out, and this time we did have to drive off road a bit to find where the leopard hid its kill.  Our tracker did an amazing job and found the fresh impala. It's a bit hard to see, but I think you get the idea.

And then we waited. They said that the leopard would be back, he wouldn't leave his prey all night.  After some time, we were rewarded, and he was beautiful!  Our vehicle was behind the other one from our group, and I couldn't get a great picture, but this one is courtesy of one of our guides, Almero.  

It seemed like forever ago that we searched and finally found those lions, but it was just this morning. And we ended our safari day with this beautiful leopard sighting.  Not to mention all of the animals we saw between the two.  This day was pretty perfect, but we still had dinner waiting for us!

We got back to the lodge and had a special, chef's dinner prepared for us. 

I'm not usually one to post a lot of food pictures, but this meal was so special, and each course had such a unique presentation that I'm going to post the photos I have. I don't think I took one at every course though.

And with that, it was time to head to bed.  We had a very, very full day today!  Tomorrow would be a bright and early 5:30 am wake up call.  And we couldn't wait!


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