Our last night on the Allure of the Seas! 2/14/15

After our day out on deck doing everything we didn't do all week, it was time to head back in to get ready for dinner. But on the way, we wanted to stop for a quick picture

Dinner tonight was at Giovanni's Table, the Italian restaurant. Before dinner, we took a bit of a walk around the ship, just taking some pictures. 

As the sun was setting tonight the sky was a really unique color, and everything around had this pretty cool hue....

The picture is blurry...but just look at the sky and the horizon! It's all so flat!

And now it's dinner time! 5:30 reservations at Giovanni's Table. So, we made it through the entire week with our pre-set dinner reservations. It was such a challenge to decide before the cruise what time we'd want to eat every night! I know people who do the traditional dining do this all the time, but we never do this! As you see, we like the speciality dining, and we knew we'd have to make reservations in advance, and then lining them up with the port times and show times - wow - that was a challenge! Not to mention that by the time I did go to make the reservations, a lot of times were already blocked out! But, here it is, our last night and we did it! Every time worked out. Did I like every time, no, not all of them. But they were ok...I like a much later meal when we don't have plans afterwards...but Keith likes an early meal - so for him, that's fine! But tonight, an early dinner - ok, because we have the dreaded packing to finish up.... so sad!

Anyway, here's Megan at dinner! Mostly the picture is supposed to show what the restaurant looks like! It was cute. 

We liked our meal. I remember that. Right now, I have pretty much no memory of what any of us ordered though! Sorry! But it was good, the service was good, and I think it was one of our favorites!

During our meal, Alex - from Madagascar that is, came by outside in Central Park. We the kids and I went out after we ordered our food and before it came to get some pictures! We're a bit crazy like that I guess!

One of my favorites! Alex and Alex!

This is Alex's no more paparazzi picture.....

A few more pictures around Central Park before we said goodbye!  This is them standing right on that circle, right smack in the center of the ship...

This is the bottom of the Rising Tide bar! We never did have a drink while taking a ride....another trip I suppose!

150 Central Park....Keith and I thought about going here one night for dinner. But we stuck with our original choices. Again, another time!

A quick walk by the Cupcake Cupboard

I'm trying to figure out when I packed....obviously I did! So, what I can come up with is that after dinner we went back to the cabins and I started packing. I kicked everyone out because I have my way of packing to make unpacking and laundry easy and there comes a point where helping is just well, NOT helping anymore! So they went to the "Selection of Fountains" show at the Aqua Theater. Peace and quiet for me to do a quick finish of packing! By the time they got back, I was about done. Usually we carry off our own luggage, but for some reason I thought it made sense to put the luggage out and pick it up with the 2 million other bags at the port. So, I got everything packed, kept out our clothes for disembarking, and then the kids and I went to the Family Comedy show at 10:30! 

On the way....

A quick trip to the Boardwalk

We haven't had ice cream yet from the Ice Cream Parlor! Time for a stop!

We were seeing a comedy show, so of course we went to the Comedy Club right? Well, we were there, and we were waiting....only turns out, the Family show was in the regular theater! Ok, no problem - but we did get some pictures of the whole area down by the comedy area!

Studio B where the Ice Skating/Ice Shows are

The comedy show was good. Nice family humor, and the Amber Theater was full. It was a good ending to the cruise. Afterwards, the kids and I walked around and Megan went CRAZY with the art filters on my camera...so, here you go!  Just a couple of probably about 20 pictures that she took!

It must have been fairly late since most of the pictures have no one else in them!

And then when I got back to my cabin, I had this....see, Keith is sound asleep in half the bed, but he'd slide the towel art over and keep it nice and arranged so I could take a picture.

Sadly that pretty much wraps up the Allure part of the trip! I have a full day in Ft. Lauderdale though that I'll share. And coming up are some final thoughts about the cruise, the ports, and the ship. 


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