So much to do, so little time! Our last sea day on the Allure of the Seas! 2/14/15

It took until our last day, the last free minutes, but Alex finally got to squeeze in the rock wall! We waited and he got his gear on....

Meanwhile, Megan went and got our seats for the the Madagascar show that would be starting very soon down in the water area below!

For awhile I thought we weren't going to make it in time. It felt like we waited forever! But it was finally Alex's turn!

This wall is huge!

Mission accomplished!

And back down he comes

The rock wall from a bit of a distance. For those who haven't been on the Allure, there are two rock walls, one on each side of the Boardwalk area. They both look the same. The one on this side seemed to be open a bit more often though.

And now it was time to go meet Megan for the show! But of course, Alex had to go get his hot dog at the Dog House first! What was he going to heat once he got home? No, not hot dogs because he was eating one of the special ones - I think the Sicilian's....not the standard, every day dogs! 

Next up was the "Let You Entertain ME" Madagascar show. It was a fun show, and a fun last sea day type of thing to do. So much going on! Lots of acrobatics and water, diving, and singing and dancing. I'm pretty sure everyone loved it! 

After the show, we went back and found Keith and I think we must have grabbed something for lunch. Then it was time for Alex to try the flowrider! He's the first to admit he has no balance whatsoever! He's a fairly athletic kid though- he has a black belt in karate and is pretty much willing to try most things! But he kept watching people wipe out on this thing over and over and as he said, he's like jelly when it comes to balance! So, first up, the boogie board one!

And there he goes!

After Alex was pretty successful on the boogie board flowrider, he decided, what the heck - he was going to try the standing up one. Really, what did he have to lose, and when was he going to try again? So, notice that none of the rest of us came even close to trying it? First off it was pretty cold that last day, especially by this time. Pretty windy! And second, well - nope, not trying it! 

So, off to flowrider #2 we all went....waiting in line, watching the techniques

Ok, Alex's turn! His face says it all - "there's NO way I'm going to be able to do this! Who am I kidding?!" 

The guy was really, really patient - trying to help Alex with his balance and get him standing on the board. I give these guys, and girls, a lot of credit for doing this all day long! Plus, like I said - it was cold up there! 

And woa.....wrong way!

working on the stance

Ok - look at me, look in my eyes....

Loosen up kid! You're too tense! 

And he let's go!  For a brief couple of seconds....he did it!  Way to go!

Overall, Alex was super glad he tried it, and probably if we're ever on a ship with the flowrider again, he'd do it again! Probably earlier in the cruise so he can practice! He's convinced he has horrible balance...not that he actually might have to practice to get the hang of it!


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