Of course, to see the "Best of Venice" it's by Boat!

We walked away from St Mark’s Square to find a place off the main path for lunch. 

However, first Megan and Mimi had a more pressing stop to make - some hats!  The sun was hot and it was bright and it seemed everyone was wearing hats!  That must be the trick!

After trying on a few dozen maybe???  And getting the advice of the lovely Italian couple selling them at the little cart, these are the two that won! They do look quite lovely don't they?

For lunch we aimed for something just a few blocks – not sure if that’s the right term here in Venice – but that’s the idea – away from all of the hub bub- so maybe we could pay a little less and get a little more. We found yet another pizza and pasta place we could sit at. Do you see a theme here with us? That’s what we like and we stuck with it! It was really good – pizza, pasta, prosecco, acqua with gas for Alex and wine and still water for the rest of us!

After lunch we split up for awhile. We had some time before we had to meet for our afternoon portion of the tour. Alex and Keith went to find a candy store they had seen earlier in the day. Alex loves sugary candy and he wanted to get some! Off they went! Mimi and Grandpop left to get some space from the kids and their crankiness that was left over from the heat of the Doge's Palace tour! And Megan and I went to get some Gelato. It’s true what they say, it really becomes a fuel to get you through the hot touring days in Italy! Don’t skip it! My new favorite is Limone and Chocolate! The break was just what we needed and we were all ready for Part Two of our tour – the Best Of Venice – again with Dark Rome Tours.

After our little break we met up again and found our new guide. The first hour of our afternoon tour was a private water taxi tour. It was the six of us and another couple. This was great! It seemed like we went everywhere! 

It seemed as though we went through every canal!

Our guide told us about so many buildings and the different districts. So much history – you name it, we heard about it!

This is even a funeral boat! See the space for the casket!

And the ambulance boats - these are the things you may not think about when you have a city totally water based!

We definitely went into the non-touristy areas,

and then we went down the Grand Canal.

This was my favorite part of the day. It was so relaxing and such a great way to see so much of Venice!


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