Venice on foot!

We finished up our water taxi tour by passing by the Doge's Palace and the Bridge of Sighs, right where we started first thing this morning! 

We met up with another guide for the walking part of the tour. Again we were given the headsets and we started walking.

This guide immediately started walking fast! She didn’t say where we were going, but started practically sprinting. It was difficult for my parents to keep up at this point. What could be so urgent to get to? We walked and walked, dodging crowds of people and then we arrived…where you ask? A public WC! Yes, a bathroom, that was apparently our first stop! She now started talking. She said it was hot and she wanted to get out of the sun. This would also be the last time to use a bathroom for some time, so it would be important to go now! I really thought this was a very strange way to start at tour!

Ok, so after those who needed to used the facilities, we started walking again – off we went to our first real stop. St Mark’s Basilica.

 First we went up to the terrace. We spent some time taking in the view of the Piazza and the harbor.

Then we went into the Basilica. The size was just massive. There was a lot of gold leaf and mosaics. No pictures were allowed. Though there were many people taking them! 

Then we walked around Venice with the guide. She pointed out various important squares (Campos) and sites. 

We made a stop for gelato during the tour.

Did I say we stopped for a beer? Ok - to each his own!!

All in all, I think during the morning the Secret Itinerary was good, although a bit hot and long, especially for the kids (and Keith!) and in the afternoon the water taxi was great, but the rest of the tour felt rushed. That could have just been the personality of the guide though.  Because we did see what we should have and it was a nice afternoon.  However it was a great way to get an introduction to Venice given that we only had one full day here. I feel like we definitely got a great feel for this amazing place with this tour!

Next up, Venice at night!!!


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